BPS Nature Group - 2021 meetings and field trips
Here is the programme of BPS Nature Group meetings and trips for 2021. This programme replaces all previous programmes. All trips will observe the social distancing rules in force at the time, but evening meetings will remain Zoom-based until further notice. Nature Group meetings and trips are open to every club member.
Tuesday 13 April 6.00pm Evening stroll around the Heronry at Kelsey Park (nesting Herons feeding fledglings). Sandy White to lead. Meet at the top lake opposite the Heronry island at 6.00pm. Please note, probable social distancing rules on this date will mean the maximum group size is six, so please let Sandy know asap at sandy18white@yahoo.co.uk if you intend to join the group. If more than five people sign up, a second group with another leader will be formed, and separate joining instructions sent out.
Tuesday 11 May 8.00pm Evening image review meeting on Zoom.
Saturday 15 May 10.00am-4.00pm Trip to Warnham Nature Reserve, near Horsham (spring flowers, birds, insects). Tarina Hill to lead. Please let Tarina know if you intend to join the trip at tarina.hill@hotmail.co.uk. Meet in the Reserve car park at 10.00am. Some social distancing restrictions may apply. For details of the reserve, go to: https://www.warnhamnaturereservefriends.org.uk/
Saturday 12 June 10.00am-5.00pm All-day trip to the Hawk Conservancy, Andover (Birds of prey). Barrie Brown to lead. Please let Barrie know on drbjbrown @gmail.com if you intend to join the trip. Rendezvous in the car park at the Hawk Conservancy at 10.15-10.30am. Please note, you will need to book your own ticket for the day – go to: https://www.hawk-conservancy.org/book-your-tickets-to-visit/ – cost is £14.50 for an adult day ticket. Some social distancing restrictions may apply. The Conservancy is a 2.5 hour car journey from Beckenham.
Thursday 1 July 4.00pm -7.00pm Afternoon/evening trip to Bushy Park (flower meadows, butterflies, bees, dragonflies and birds). Barrie Brown to lead. Meet in the Pheasantry Café car park at 4.00pm. Some social distancing restrictions may apply. For details of Bushy Park, see: https://www.royalparks.org.uk/parks/bushy-park
Tuesday 20 July 8.00pm Evening image review meeting on Zoom.
Thursday 22 July 6.00pm Evening trip to Lullingstone Country Park near Eynsford. Sandy White to lead. Joining instructions tba. See: https://www.kent.gov.uk/leisure-and-community/kent-country-parks/lullingstone-country-park
Sunday 19 September All-day trip to Marwell Zoo, Hampshire. Joining instructions tba.
Tuesday 28 September 8.00pm Evening image review meeting on Zoom.
Sunday 10 October 7.30-12.30 Early morning trip to Bushy Park (rutting stags, herons). Peter Sullivan to lead. Meet in the car park by the Diana Fountain at 7.30am.
Sunday 24 October (Early morning start – time and location tba) Fungus trip. Julia to lead.
Tuesday 23 November 8.00pm Evening image review meeting on Zoom.