Material from BPS Talks
Photography and the Law:Keith Surey’s slides are here.
Distinctions and Exhibitions: Cathy Roberts’ slides are here.
Steve’s Photoshop Tutorial Images: Selection, Selective Sharpening, Save Selections, Dodge/burn/pattern brush, Mask/Gradient/Paint, RAW Crow, RAW WB, RAW Very Contrasty
Photo Books (21st Jan 2015): Philip Pound’s presentation is here.
Abstract Photographers of Note: Photographers mentioned in Caroline’s talk on 2nd Sept 2015 are here.
Philip Pound’s HDR talk to the BIG group is here
A number of clubs around the country have produced guidelines for producing AV sequences. These are very useful, not only for providing technical tips and shortcuts, but also by drawing attention how to stay within laws pertaining to copyright. For typical examples, go to:
Viveca Koh’s Talk (Feb 2017) material is here with some details of apps here.