Other Interesting Photo Sites
Spectrum Photo Art: Images from a group of women photographers including our very own Lesley Rees, Sandy White and Nenne van Dyck are here.
Arena Group: A group of top photographers from the south of England, including our very own Polina Plotnikova and Cathy Roberts. Their home page is here, and their galleries are here.
Clive Haynes: Useful site for digital photography techniques is here.
Linda Pitkin: Linda has given a number of talks on underwater photography to BPS. You’ll find some of her amazing images on her web site here.
Glyn Dewis: For tips on retouching images glyndewis.com is very useful, and subscribing to his newsletter is very worthwhile. The videos section contains very useful step-by-step explanations of vaious retouching techniques.
This site is a very helpful guide to starting a photography career. It is American, but the principles apply worldwide.
The same source provided this very useful source of photographic terms
PhotoStartSheet.com puts photographers in touch with over 500 of the world’s top photo resources
Photography Talk provides detailed and long-form guides on a range of photography topics, from beginner (Exposure triangle, Sunny 16 rule etc.) to more advanced such as astrophotography, landscape and nature photography.