After the successful Online Auction and Book Sale in March raised close to £1500, the following unsold items are now offered for sale to BPS club members at bargain prices. Please take your time to browse and, when you’ve decided which items you want to buy, please send an email to quoting the number of each item, its description, the price and your name. Please email to the same address if you would like more information about specific items in the sale.
Items will be sold strictly on a first come-first served basis. Your purchase will be confirmed by email within 24 hours, with instructions for payment and options for collection/delivery of the item(s) purchased.
This sale will be open until midday on 30 November 2021. Any items unsold on 1 December will be donated to charity.
This is a fundraising sale, with proceeds going to support Beckenham Photographic Society’s Centenary Celebrations and The Disabled Photographers’ Association.
REMEMBER. Send in your bid before 12:00 midday on 30th November 2021.
Email your bids to