Recent News from Beckenham Photographic Society

Congratulations to Roger and Angela Ford, on having successfully reaching another level of FIAP.

Roger having gained EFIAP/Platinum and Angela EFIAP/Bronze

These are not easy to achieve, as can be testified by their respective journeys which are detailed below.

Angela’s story can be downloaded from here

Roger’s from here

(c) Angela Ford ARPS

Congratulations to Angela Ford whose image Barn Storm won a Photographic Society of America (PSA) Ribbon at the Zagreb International Photo Salon.The image was also selected for the salon exhibition in December 

Congratulations to Lesley Rees for attaining Associateship of the Royal Photographic Society with a very well deserved panel of architectural patterns

Our friends at Perigny, have sent a video showing the effects of the lockdown on La Rochelle and environs, which can be found at: